Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck surgery) is a procedure to address the excess skin and soft tissue on the abdominal wall, as well as the laxity of the abdominal muscles. Tummy tuck surgery can give you a flatter, firmer, more fit-looking abdomen.

After the tummy tuck surgery, what each patient will get is not the same. My goal is to give you as natural as a result by considering your desires. This result can be to buy new clothes you like and look attractive in them for you. It may be to be able to do her own self-care for your mother. For this reason, the correct procedure for someone else may not be appropriate for you. In addition, tummy tuck surgery is not a method of weight loss.

There are two main methods of tummy tuck surgery, full abdominoplasty and mini abdominoplasty. Patients with excess skin in the abdominal region may be candidates for tummy tuck surgery. During a full abdominoplasty operation, the excess skin from the belly button to the pubic area is completely removed, the remaining abdomen is stretched and pulled down, and a new opening is made for the belly button. In addition, the fascia (fabric around the muscles) is tightened up. With this surgery, only the skin and the excess fat just underneath that skin can be removed, the fat inside the abdomen cannot be removed. Mini abdominoplasty is suitable for a small group of patients who has a more moderate level of excess skin that is primarily located in the lower abdomen. In this method, the belly button is left in place. However, it can be displaced a few centimeters after surgery. This is a shorter operation, and leaves a shorter scar. I will be able to determine which procedure is right for your needs during your initial consultation.

The ideal patient for tummy tuck surgery is close to the ideal weight, has no serious health problems, both physically and mentally, and has excess skin in the abdomen. To achieve the ideal result you should not have a child plan and you should have a relatively flat abdomen when you lie down.

Cigarette smoking disrupts blood circulation in the skin. The risk of opening the wound in the abdominal suture line in active smokers is very high. For this reason I recommend at least one month of smoking cessation before the operation. Even after a month quitting, you should know that you could have wound healing problems at a higher rate than non-smokers.